How it works#

Data is transformed by doing HTTP requests to RPS Engine API.

All HTTP requests must be authenticated using Identity API.

One HTTP request can contain one or more transformations requests as explained in the Transform API documentation.

Transformation process#

  1. RPS Engine API receives an HTTP request of transformations from a client
  2. request contains
  3. RPS Engine API retrieves, from RPS CoreConfiguration, the rights context which correspond to the sent evidences
InstanceOriginal valueTransformed value
{customer, name}Laura, John, ...Maurizio, Maurizio, ...
{transaction, amount}12'450 CHF, 230 EUR, ...@__asds33df23qaasdasd, @__asdaseE2_wwwd, ...
{address, city}Rome, Paris, ...3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6, ...
{account, IBAN}ES7921000813610123456789, ...AA0034534058930459304593, ...