Transformers sequences#


A transformers sequence defines how data is transformed: encrypt, decrypt, anonymize, tokenize, ... A transformers sequence is a concatenation of one or more transformers. Example of transformers sequence is : decrypt a value an then anonymize the obtained decrypted value.

Each transformer in the sequence takes as input the output of the previous transformer and passes its output as input to the next transformer in the sequence.

Define the transformers sequence by adding and configuring predefined transformers

InstanceOriginal valueTransformed value
{customer, name}Laura, John, ...Maurizio, Maurizio, ...
{transaction, amount}12'450 CHF, 230 EUR, ...@__asds33df23qaasdasd, @__asdaseE2_wwwd, ...
{address, city}Rome, Paris, ...3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6, ...
{account, IBAN}ES7921000813610123456789, ...AA0034534058930459304593, ...


You must belong to the Configuration user group to create and modify transformer sequences